Tuesday, December 9, 2008

To pee or not to pee ... that is the question

Since I am still on the subject of pee, today I am 10 DPIUI. I tested at 7 DPIUI just to make sure the HCG was out of my system. I mean I'm not crazy enough to POAS 7 DPIUI and hope that a BFP would appear (That's my story and I'm stickin to it). Back in July (IUI #1) I had my first beta at 12 DPIUI but it was only a 14. BFP but only a 14. This time around I don't go for my first beta until I am 16 DPIUI. There is no way I can hold out until Monday to find out this cycle is a bust. But I don't know when to test, or even if I should test. So I am posting a survey. Help me out here girls I have to much time on my hands and only 2 tests to pee on.


Anonymous said...

i voted for 13dpiui... seems like a good middle ground!

Chele said...

Also voted 13 dpiui only because I know you're dying to test. I waited until I was three days late before I tested in April. lol ++++ vibes that you are pregnant with a sticky bean.

To A T said...

I'm also voting for 13dpiui. That way you only have a couple days more to wait! :)

Hope it comes up +!

Amber said...

I voted for 13 dpiui and then 16 dpiui. That way you don't have to wait until 16 dpiui, but you still have one test left. I would test every day, but you know how much of an addict I am to pee on a stick. There is something so addicting about it. Thanks to $1 tests, I was able to take them daily. Check into that. Then if you get a positive on one of those tests, you can confirm with the more pricey ones! Good luck! Keep us updated!

Anonymous said...

Oh you asked the wrong person- the one who bought 50 HPTs last month! I'm saying 12 Dpiui for purely selfish reasons. I can't wait any longer! Not only do I count how many DPO I am, I also wonder how many dpiui you are. I can't take the stress. I want to know :)

Amy said...

I want to test soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BAD. But I am scared out of my mind of seeing a BFN. The stress is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish my RE would just move my test date to friday. That would make me feel a million times better. How about I POAS and one of you comes over and checks it ... lol if only you were all not so far away.