Friday, December 19, 2008

My RE hates me

And if she doesn't she sure could have fooled me. Let me tell you how my appointment played out. I showed up at my exact appointment time 9:30. I walk into the lobby that is completely full of people, I find a place to take a seat and wait. Come ten o'clock we are all looking at one another trying to figure out why we are all still waiting. From the corner of my eye I see her entering through the back door. Well that explains it we are all waiting because she didn't come to work on time. People start to get called back and more people show up for there appointment's. Finally I get called back but it is not to see the Dr yet, it is to have my labs done. I again get the only nurse that can't draw blood. She makes 3 attempts and gives up. Hands me a bottle of water and says I must be dehydrated. (Although I know I drank a bottle of water on my way in so that is not possible.) I go back to the lobby and wait. 10 minutes later another nurse takes me back to try to draw blood from me. This one has no problem and within a minute I am put back in the lobby to wait. It's 10:25 and the nurse finally comes to take me back to the room for my ultrasound. I get undressed and assume the position. When my RE comes into the room she is very short with me. I ask her why the new higher dose of meds is making me black and blue at all of the injection sites and she looks at me like I have two heads. I lay down and the ultrasound begins. The monitor was not turned in my direction so I had a hard time seeing anything. She counts nothing on my right side but I swear I would see 2 or 3 small ones out of the corner of my eye. And two good size follicles on my Left. At no point did she tell me the measurements as she usually does. The entire time she is giving me the evil eye like I am the devil for doing my cycle during the holidays. Finally when I sit up to talk to her she says well you "might" (insert sarcastic tone of voice) have two follicles for your IUI. But like I said before Amy, you got lucky the first time. You might just want to get use to being on those injections for a while! Especially now that we confirmed that you have elevated levels of PAI-1. WTF! I can not believe she would say something like that. Plus the PAI-1 mutation only means I have to go on blood thinners when I do get pregnant. That would not hinder me getting pregnant. She exited the room and I quickly got dressed and took off. What a F$#king Bitch! I go back on Monday for my next follicle check and as long as I am still on track my IUI should be Friday or Saturday. In the mean time I made an appointment for a consultation with a different RE. I am just sick and tired of my current RE being such a bitch!


Amber said...

I am sorry you are having such a rough time. Maybe it is time to go elsewhere and find someone that makes you feel comfortable. A doctor that is understanding would much more help you during this time. Just a thought! Good luck!

Chele said...

What a bitch! This stuff comes with the job and all GOOD REs know this and will either find someone to cover for them or suck it up. I haven't liked her since the last time she put you on BC pills. I agree, it does sound like it's time to look for a new RE. My personal exprience.......the males are better and much more sympathetic than the females. Hugs, I hope a new doctor isn't necessary. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's definitely time for a new RE!

Lynn Page said...

Definitely go somewhere..ANYWHERE else. It pains me to know that you are being treated like this. I know what it's like to go this this right now, and I do now wish this on anyone especially you. I am sending you lots of Positive sticky IUI vibes!! Merry Christmas and I love ya sweetie!

Anonymous said...

I hope your follie check went well this morning!