Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Follicle Check #2

I walked into my appointment today with a cheerful attitude refusing to let anyone get me down. Again nurse no blood made two attempts at drawing blood before calling over the other nurse that knows how to get the job done. I smiled and made small talk in attempts to keep things peaceful. I get taken back to the ultrasound room and assume the position. My RE walks in and I quickly smile and say my hello's. I think I caught her off guard so she smiled back. My results: on my right side I have 2 10mm follicles and on my left I have an 18mm and a 12mm. I sit up and she congratulates me on all my follicles and tells me that she believes I will have 2 if not 4 viable follicles come time of IUI. (funny since she called me a one egg kind of girl only a few weeks back) And it's funny how her demeanor has totally changed. Now that I have more eggs she has more of a personality. Very odd! I trigger at 8:30pm Christmas eve and my IUI is on Friday at 8:30am. Yeah!!!!!!!!!


Chele said...

That's great news Amy! Could be her personal life was intruding on her professional life and some of it spilled over onto you. ++++ vibes that this IUI gets you your sticky baby.

Anonymous said...

This is promising!!!!! WOOHOO! I'm so happy for you Amy! I'm sending you lots of baby dust! I hope Santa brings you a belated BFP this year!

Marshmallow Circus said...

Baby dust...Baby dust...Baby dust!!!!

To A T said...

Great news!!! Thankfully she wasn't a shrew to you again!

I'm sending you all my **babydust**!! I hope you get a nice little bean (or two) for Christmas!!

Amber said...

What great news before Christmas! Maybe this will be your month and you will have a christmas miracle. :) Those follicles sound great and give you even more chance with the multiple sizes. Good luck, Merry Christmas and keep us posted, as usual!

Chele said...

Update? Did you have your IUI yesterday?