Tuesday, December 16, 2008


tagged me to list 7 random facts about myself.Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about you.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end, and include links to their blog

So here goes ...

1. I cry like a baby to Billy Joel. Not because I have a thing for him or anything like that, but because he reminds me of NY and only when I hear him sing am I reminded of how homesick I am.

2. When I was younger I was in a bowling accident and now I have a fear of bowling. I know it sounds hard to believe that such an accident can happen so I will share the story of how it happened. I was 9 and my parents took my sister and I bumper bowling. We had just started playing and I was first up. I was super excited that I knocked down a pin and while walking back to my seat somehow managed to slip and smash my face open on the ball return. My mother said there was a water on the floor that I slipped on. Regardless I ended up passing out and came to as my mother was laying me on the counter as we waited for my father and the car to run us to the hospital. I remember opening my eyes to two old ladies with white hair telling me that everything was going to be ok. I thought I had died. Anyway 48 stitches later you will not catch me bowling. I stay a safe distance away.

3. I ran away to Chicago when I was 17 to go visit my first love JR. I called my mother from payphones while I was there just to tell her that I was ok. When I came back home she didn't speak to me for a week.

4. I once got hit in the face with a maxi pad while driving in my old VW cabrio on the 15 freeway in San Diego. My Cousin had come out to visit me and we were out bar hopping downtown. For some reason we thought it would be fun to drop the top on our way home. Anyway something blew into the car and smacked me in the face right by my mouth. I quickly pulled it from my face just in time for my cousin to scream OMG that's a bloody pad. She peed in her pants she was laughing so hard. I on the other hand did not find it so funny. I went home and took a scalding hot shower. And to this day every time we see a VW cabrio she cracks up laughing thinking about my pad to the face experience.

5. I can't share drinks or utensils with anyone. If I am drinking from a can and someone takes a sip I give them my drink. The thought of not knowing where there mouth has been creeps me out. I'm getting better at this when it comes to Patrick but anyone else yuck!

6. I poke at my husband when he snores in his sleep and pretend to be asleep when he wakes up trying to figure out what is going on. I sometimes even use Molly's paw so that he thinks it's her. I don't know why I find this amusing but Patrick's snoring gets sooooooooooo bad when he drinks it keeps me from sleeping. Sometimes he even snores so loud that he wakes him self up mid snarf. So what I usually do is lay there in bed and poke him in the arm, pluck hairs from his chest or I take Molly's paw and paw at him. Then I quickly close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. I have been doing this for over 4 years and I still don't think he knows it's really me.

7. I hate things between my toes. So much so that if even the smallest string gets wrapped around my toe I throw up. My sister use to find this so amusing that she would sit on me and put the phone cord between my toes just to make me puke. To this day if I am getting a pedicure and they try to put cotton between my toes or those little foam flip flops on my feet I freak out.

I tag Lynn,


Anonymous said...

I don't share drinks either. That's how I got mono when I was 10 and spent my entire summer in and out of the hospital. Ugh!

Chele said...

Crap Amy.......I'll do it later today or first thing tomorrow.

Eeeewwww on the maxi pad random. I'm with Candi, except that I have shared stuff with Rick and the kids. lol

Anonymous said...

That was the funniest post. I can't stop laughing about the maxi pad. I can totally picture the whole thing. Thanks for making me laugh!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to sign my name to the last comment:)