Saturday, November 29, 2008

(Update) & IUI #2 is complete =(

So Patrick and I had a long talk after his talk with my step father. And long story short he apologized and said that the comment about loosing the baby being my fault was taken out of context. How one could take that out of context is beyond me but regardless I gave him one get out of jail free pass. I'm still not happy about how everything has gone down this week. But I decided to go through with the IUI this morning anyway. My reasons being 1) my 28th birthday is on Wednesday and It is my goal to have a baby before I am 30. 2) I did not want to regret spending all of that money on injections only to give up on the only part that my insurance covers. And 3) Because I want a baby more then anything in this world and after 2 1/2 years of trying I am just not ready to give up. So bright and early this morning I woke up and popped my 2 valium that my RE gave me in order to help me relax during my IUI as to not have a repeat of our first IUI. Jumped in the shower got dressed and off we went. I had some concerns about if I had already ovulated on my own pre HCG because I had some O like cramps on Thursday before I took my trigger but my RE did an ultrasound and confirmed that I didn't. So at 9:30 this morning I was inseminated with 40 million sperm. And now I am just waiting until my O pains kick in to confirm the timing. It's 4:48 P.M. now and so far I have felt nothing! Oh well, I really don't have high hopes for this month but at least I know I tried.

Thank you all for your support this week. You have no idea just how much I appreciate it. There is no way I could have ever gotten through all of this stress without all of you.


Anonymous said...

{{{HUGS}}} My crossables are crossed for you hunny!

Amy said...

Thanks Candi =)

Marshmallow Circus said...

Go spermy Go!!!

Chele said...

I wondered yesterday if you had gone through with the IUI. Glad you had a good talk and hope that things get better from here on out. Maybe the two week wait will be easier because you don't have "high" expectations. Sending you some +++++++ vibes.