Thursday, November 20, 2008

Follicle check #1

So I have 3 follicles on the left side and nothing on the right side. The 3 follicles that I do have are nothing great only measuring in at around 8mm a piece. As my RE put it they are slow progressing. I'm really bummed! She canceled my appointment that I had for Monday and moved me to Tuesday. I really would like to have at least 2 good follicles come time for my IUI. I just don't get it. The cycle before she put me on BCP I had produced 2 good follicles on my own. So why can I not do the same on these injections?


Matt,Shell,and lil' Benjamin. said...

Oh man, I understand your frusterations ...
The couple of months I did injections I only produced one egg ... that sucked !!!!!!!!!!

Amber said...

Amy -
I am sooo glad that I was able to find you again - I had lost hope! Remember that with Follistim those follicles will start out growing really slow, and then 'BAM' they are multiplying in size really fast! Keep the hope, I will be praying for you! How have you been lately??? I wish you the best!!!


Lynn Page said...

Amy, I'm sorry you're follies weren't as big as you were hoping, but they can grow really, really fast right at the last minute, so anything can happen at this point. I'll be crossing my fingers for perfect follies for your IUI!!!

Chele said...

That sucks! Sending you some grow follie vibes. Do you think the bc pills may have supressed you too much?

I know several women that would soak their feet in really warm water for twenty minutes and they say it helped their follies grow. It's worth a try....

++++ vibes next check finds ripe follies and you can go through with the IUI next week.

Anonymous said...


Amy said...

Thank you girls for your support.

Shell - GL I hope and pray that this is your month. I am eagerly watching you chart. I have everything crossed that this is it for you.

Amber - Sorry for being MIA I have been checking on you. I look for a blog update at least 3 times a week. I keep trying to stay positive. It just sucks because my RE upped my meds and I am still not responding well. I guess we will see what happens on Tuesday. When do we find out the sex of the baby???? Keep me posted.

Lynn - Thank you! I really hope that we both get our BFP's this cycle.

Chele - Thank you so much for the advice. At this point I think I would try anything to get more follicles to grow. So tonight I will soak my tootsies and hope for the best. =)

Candi - Thanks for the hugs I really needed them =)

Ok girls we have a lot of work to do. Wouldn't it be great if we all got our BFP's around the same time. Ahhhh that would be a Christmas dream come true!

Chele said...

Well? It's Tuesday! I was hoping to see a good update. +++++ vibes and all that's good.