Thursday, July 30, 2009

It is what it is

So my appointment with the peri went as good as can be expected. I am still having contractions but no one seems to be worried about that but me. They refused to check me because they didn't want to irritate my cervix. On a bright note Gage has managed to partially free himself from the cord. It is no longer around his neck but it is still across the front of it. Meaning if he rolls over it will be back around him. But I feel better for the time being thinking that he is partially free. Other then that things are pretty much the same. I still hate the peri and I wish I was far enough along to let Gage come out. But I'm not so with that I guess I have a few more weeks of torture to go.

In other fun news the invitations for my baby shower went out today. Since my sister was slacking my mother and MIL are throwing it for me. We decided to do it on August 8th in fear that Gage was going to come in the very near future. Although I feel bad about the short amount of time I'm giving people to respond I made sure to call everyone and apologize and explain what was going on. No one really seemed to mind, or at least no one said anything to me. And the annoying part, after things were planned my sister called me up asking me to help her book her trip home for that weekend so that she could come. If you ask me she was just trying to get out of throwing it for me. And in addition she had the audacity to tell me that her gift to me for my shower was her coming home. I'm alittle annoyed by this since I always end up spending a ton of money on her (ex: her batchelorette party cost me close to $2k after limo, show tickets, drinks, and strippers. For mine we went to a spa and if cost her all of $400 since she was only paying for herself and me (and we got a locals discount), Her wedding I was only 21 and my boyfriend at the time was living in Korea (military) so I went alone but still ended up giving her $400. For mine she brought a date and neither of them even gave us a card. Her baby shower between food, decorations and a gift I spent over $800, for mine she bought a $460 airline ticket) I could go on but I don't want to sound like I am keeping a running tab although as you can see I am. The sad part of this is she is the older sister and makes alot of money. She always talks a big game about what she's going to do for me and never comes through. You would think by now I would be use to it but it still hurts not to be treated the same as I treat her. The only thing I'm grateful for is that when she comes home she will be bringing Reece with her. And I miss my little boogy so having him around will definitely make things better.


Lauren said...

I'm so glad Gage has partially freed himself from the cord! Hopefully you and him can hang in there healthy for a couple more weeks before he makes his entrance!

I'm sorry about your sister. Seems like she's clueless as to how she's acting.

Jenn said...

Oh my gosh, Amy, I just read your last posts since I was away all last week. You've been through a lot! I would have been so nervous. It sounds like you did great though & told off whoever needed to be told off. LOL. I hope Gage hangs in there a little bit longer so he's "fully baked". Good Luck!

Lynn Page said...

Amy, just checking in with ya! hope all is well, hugs!!