Monday, July 27, 2009

After a long weekend of nerves

So on Saturday night I went to L&D to talk to my OB. I had to wait over an hour to see him but after I told the nurse what was going on, she put me on the monitor so I could hear Gage's heartbeat and know he was ok. Dr G (my OB) showed up and had a baby to deliver but came in to reassure me he would be in as soon as possible to talk to me and find out what was going on. When he came into the room I quickly explained what I had been told by the Peri. Dr G had no idea and was pretty mad the that Peri didn't call him and talk to him about it. So together we listened to Gage's heartbeat and spent about 2 hours counting his movements. In those 2 hours we only recorded 3 movements. Then Dr G had the nurse bring me some juice and cookies to see if the sugar would get him going, but no such luck. We decided to take everything day by day. If I don't feel a movement and the time exceeds 3-4 hours at most I am to go to L&D immediately. After every appointment with the Peri I am to call and report back to Dr G on what the findings are. Dr G is also going to request copies of the ultrasound pic's so he can see the cord around Gage's neck, and check if it's wrapped more then one time. If so our plans will more then likely be to deliver in the very near future. I have to admit I feel a million times better after talking to Dr G. He has such great bedside manors and always knows how to make me feel better. Plus he talks to you like a friend and not just a Dr. I have total faith that Dr G will make sure we make it through this nightmare and walk away with a healthy little boy. Tomorrow I go in to the Peri's office for another ultrasound and to sit on the monitor for a half hour or so. I just pray that by some miracle Gage found a way on his own to get this cord off his neck. For now I'm going to try to get some sleep although I am sure it will end up being another sleepless night.


Lucky Jones said...

I'm thinking about you and Gage. If you think about it, he was able to get the cord wrapped, maybe he will get it unwrapped... I am praying it all works out for you.

Chele said...

You've been in my thoughts and prayers all weekend. I checked here around 12:00am my time last night but you hadn't updated yet.

So glad your OB was able to talk to you and will have a plan. Please keep us updated if you can.


Matt,Shell,and lil' Benjamin. said...

Big hugs Amy ! I thought about you so much yesterday.
I am glad to hear your feeling better . This has got to be so draining on your emotions.
I will be waiting to see how todays U/s goes .

Lauren said...

Oh man this is so nerve wracking. I'm thinking about and praying for you and Gage.

Shawna said...

Hopefully Gage will work his way out of the cord. Keep us posted on how the u/s goes today. Thinking about you!

Bonnie said...

That must be so scary Amy! I'm praying for you & Gage. Keep us posted on how ya'll are doing.

<3 Bon

To A T said...

I'm so glad you were able to get in and talk with Dr G!! He sounds so much more competent than your peri!!
Praying for you and little Gage!!

Lynn Page said...

Amy sweetie, I just read what you've been going through!! My thoughts and prayers are with you guys right now. I know everything will be ok, but I know how worried you must be. ((hugs)) Keep us posted sweetie!