Sunday, July 5, 2009

Court Tomorrow

Yep that is right I have court tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. to see if the judge will grant me a 30 day extension. It's me vs the bank, hopefully I will get lucky but right now I am not feeling to great about this entire situation. Ideally I want to buy this house but the bank and there attorney refuse to acknowledge me. They are trying to avoid a cash for keys situation But I don't want cash I just want the house. No matter how many times I try to explain that they just are not hearing me. So tonight I have prepared a ton of paperwork to bring with me to court as well as a purchase agreement and a check for the earnest deposit. Hopefully if I walk in and wave money in there face they will take me seriously. Doubtful, but a girl can dream right. If I walk away a loser tomorrow I should be granted at least 10 days to vacate. That leaves me with 10 days to find a rental or try to buy something and close fast. I could pull off the closing fast since the bank doing my loan is a direct lender and a good friend of mine. She has guaranteed me loan docs in 24 hours if I find something I like and have an acceptance in hand. Anyway fingers crossed that when I wobble into court tomorrow the judge takes pity on my and is at least fair with his decision.


Chele said...

Everything crossed that it turns out well for you. You would think the banks would be doing everyting possible to work with people.....I know you aren't the only one in this situation....Can't wait for your update.

Lauren said...

Hopefully they'll take pity on the poor pregnant woman:) Let us know how it goes!