Monday, July 13, 2009

Mosquito's everywhere!

It's like a bad joke. Thursday night I noticed a bug in our bedroom while we were in bed watching TV. So Patrick got up turned on the lights tracked down the bug and killed it. We thought that was it until I went into the bathroom and noticed 3 more. So like the man of the house that he is, Patrick caught and killed all 3 bugs and decided to look around the house for more. He found another 6 in the kitchen, 2 in the down stairs bathroom, 2 in the guest bedroom and 3 in the guest bathroom. We were on a mission for a good 4 hours tracking down bugs. Where they were coming from, we haven't a clue. We thought that was it so off to bed we went. I woke up early because I was super itchy and that is when I noticed I had been bit on my hands, arms, back, legs, face .... etc. Patrick was luckier then me since he had only been bit on his leg and back. We again started looking for bugs and sure enough we found plenty more.

You have to understand in Vegas it is very uncommon to find mosquito's unless there is standing water near by. But in our situation there isn't. To find this many mosquito's is just odd. So I called the exterminator who told me in order to get rid of this many mosquito's he would have to bug bomb the house. Meaning we would have to leave the house for at least 8 plus hours. So on Saturday we took off to my mothers while the exterminator did his thing. Patrick now has it in his head that it is a sign that we should stop trying to buy this house and really push forward with buying either a new house from a builder or a bank owned. Not that I would mind having a brand new house but it's 110 degrees and moving just does not sound like fun right about not. But to make Patrick happy tomorrow I have made appointments to go look at afew houses. Hopefully they will all be mosquito free.


Lauren said...

Ugh, how gross!

Being in a new house is nice. But make sure they didn't paint all the walls with a matte paint. Seriously. It may look nice, but you CANNOT wash it. And if you even brush your finger against it it sucks all the oils out of your skin and leaves a giant shiny spot.

Never buy a house that's painted with matte paint.

Jenn said...

Hi Amy, I found you through Chele's blog & couldn't resist posting (hope you don't mind!). I HATE mosquitos! And on top of that, it's like they always find ME. I can be sitting right next to my husband & they attack me. (must be our sweet blood, huh? ;-) ) I've woken up with welts on me too - not pleasant. Or that incessant humming as they fly by your ear & you swat at it but always miss. Ick. I hope the bug bomb went well! Keep us posted!

Amy said...

Jenn (Just Another J) Welcome to my page. I love having new visitors and meeting new people.

The bug bomb worked great and we are now mosquito free. Yippy!

Chele said...

Yikes! I live in FL Mosquito heaven and have never found that many in any of our homes. Glad the bomb worked. Good luck with the house shopping!