Tuesday, July 21, 2009

32 Week Dr appointment ...

and still no induction date. I'm super bummed. Gage is doing great. He had a nice strong heartbeat and all is well. I on the other hand am measuring in at 37 weeks. Holy crap! I guess that explains why I am so uncomfortable. So the plan is, starting Friday I go to the peri twice a week for a fetal assessment. To check the placenta and just check on Gage in general to make sure that the blood thinners and thyroid meds don't make him go into fetal distress. I am just so stressed that something is going to go wrong. My injections scare the crap out of me in fear that I'm going to go into labor on my own and they take 24 hours to get out of my system. I'm getting super freaked out about labor & delivery. And in addition I have nothing ready for the baby. We are still planning on moving in 2 weeks. I haven't found a house, I haven't picked up the baby furniture and obviously have not gotten his room together. My sister is procrastinating with my baby shower trying to plan it around what mood she's in. I am just an all out mess right now, I could just cry! I already know these next few weeks are going to be hell. Hopefully something will work out in my favor.


Emmalie said...

Awww Amy- I'm sorry you are feeling upset and stressed. It isn't easy, especially at the end. Believe it or not, no matter how prepared you are, there is still alot of stress and uncertainty. I'll keep you in my thoughts in hopes that you find a house and are able to get some things in order. Hopefully the doctor will set a date for you soon and that will ease your mind a bit.

Lauren said...

Oh Amy, that all sounds so stressful. I hope your sister plans the baby shower for very soon so you can have all the necessities for Gage. About the house and furniture - just remember that Gage won't need much besides you when he's first born. He doesn't need a crib or a dresser or a change table. He just needs you, diapers, blankets, and some clothes. You won't put him in his room for awhile anyway, so it's okay if his room isn't done.
I hope your date is set soon!

Jenn said...

Oh Wow - that does sound like you have a lot going on! Easier said than done, but try to take one day at a time. Hopefully you'll look back on this in a few months and laugh...? Hang in there, it'll be over soon & all of these decisions will have been made & accomplished. =)

Shawna said...

Oh Amy! Hang in there girl. I know it seems so overwelming but remember you and Gage are the most important thing right now. Take care of yourself. Everything will work out eventually.

To A T said...

You poor thing!!! ((HUGS)) I can't imagine how stresfull all this is, when you need to be the LEAST stressed of your life!!!
hang in there hun!! It will all work out! :)