Monday, June 29, 2009

I am exhausted

All I want to do is sleep. This weekend I had my first of what I call cravetastrophe. It was about midnight and we were watching TV when a commercial for pizza hut came on. All of a sudden I had to have pizza., So I asked Patrick to order me one. He thought I was joking and started laughing at me telling me how funny I was. But I was not joking I was dead serious, I wanted pizza and I wanted it at that exact moment. In my moment of craziness I started crying uncontrollably I remember flailing my arms like a baby and telling him how big of a jerk he was. I turned over to face away from him and fell right to sleep. The next morning, (or should I say afternoon since I didn't wake up until almost 11:30) I felt so bad for the way I acted I could not even look Patrick in the face. Thankfully I have a great husband who made light of the situation and made sure to get me pizza for diner that night. I have to tell you I have had little to no cravings throughout this pregnancy. Half the time the thought of food grosses me out and I have to force myself to eat. But as I am getting near the end, all I think about now is food. I have managed to loose 20 lbs while pregnant and only regain 6 of the 20 lost. Meaning I am still down 14 lbs from my before pregnancy weight. I have had such amazing self control and now I feel like I am making up for it.

On the house front we have had no luck finding anything we like. And when we do find houses we like they have to many offers to try to beat out. I did get served paper work on our rental stating there is a hearing date set up for July 6th. My attorney and I are going to show up at court and make sure the bank acknowledges that there is a tenant in place and that I am interested in buying the house. Hopefully now we can start getting somewhere with the bank and can buy this house. It would be much easier to buy then attempting to move right about now. Other then that I am boring. Hopefully something exciting will happen this week and I can have a new exciting post. But for now it's 4 p.m. and I need a nap.


Amber said...

Oh how I remember those cravings! I hated pizza before I was pregnant and that was the one thing that I craved the most - aside from ice cream and chinese food. I guess Evan really liked pizza - I hate to eat it in front of him when he cannot have any yet! ha ha ha Funny that the craving is still here and I still LOVE pizza...

I hope all is well. Sounds like things are just moving right along. The pregnancy will all become a little of a blur once your little man gets here! Just one piece of advice for you, that I want you to stick in the back of your head. You are going to learn many different lessons throughout the beginning of motherhood. Please just know that if you ever question yourself and ask yourself "what have I done?" that it is completely normal. I felt like the worst mother in the world because I felt this way at the beginning, after trying to work on adjusting. It is not a quick process and it will get better. I know it sounds crazy, but you will understand what I mean once he is here. It is so overwhelming at first, but you will find ways to make things better, get through the rough days/nights, and even be able to adjust things according to him. Good luck! I just wanted you (and everyone else) to know that. People NEVER talk about the flip side of motherhood and the stress of being a new mother. It is okay to feel that way because you still love him regardless and would do ANYTHING in the world for him. I cannot wait for you to experience the abundance of love you will have for your little guy (plus all the love surrounding you and your new family)! Best of luck - you will do great!!!

Chele said...

LMAO! My mom, dad and Rick will still remind me of a scene I made at a restraunt when all I wanted for dinner was mashed potatoes and green bean and they were out of green beans! I was ready to get up and leave! lol! Rick says to the guy you've got to have some frozen or canned green beans in that kitchen. The guy says let me check and comes back with a horrified chef who didn't want to serve canned green beans to a patron. lmao! We all managed to convince him that I did and would eat those green beans and he got busy heating them up. When we were leaving he came out and asked how I liked them and I told him they were great. He told me that I was a first and that he would probably always remember me. lmao. So you definitely aren't alone with the cravings.

Amy said...

Amber - Thank you for the advice =)

Chele - Thanks for letting me know I am not the only one that has ever freaked out over a craving. At least now I know that my temper tantrum was not all that odd. ;)

Now if one of you could tell Patrick that, he is still scared to tell me No when I ask for something.