So my appointment with the peri went as good as can be expected. I am still having contractions but no one seems to be worried about that but me. They refused to check me because they didn't want to irritate my cervix. On a bright note Gage has managed to partially free himself from the cord. It is no longer around his neck but it is still across the front of it. Meaning if he rolls over it will be back around him. But I feel better for the time being thinking that he is partially free. Other then that things are pretty much the same. I still hate the peri and I wish I was far enough along to let Gage come out. But I'm not so with that I guess I have a few more weeks of torture to go.
In other fun news the invitations for my baby shower went out today. Since my sister was slacking my mother and MIL are throwing it for me. We decided to do it on August 8th in fear that Gage was going to come in the very near future. Although I feel bad about the short amount of time I'm giving people to respond I made sure to call everyone and apologize and explain what was going on. No one really seemed to mind, or at least no one said anything to me. And the annoying part, after things were planned my sister called me up asking me to help her book her trip home for that weekend so that she could come. If you ask me she was just trying to get out of throwing it for me. And in addition she had the audacity to tell me that her gift to me for my shower was her coming home. I'm alittle annoyed by this since I always end up spending a ton of money on her (ex: her batchelorette party cost me close to $2k after limo, show tickets, drinks, and strippers. For mine we went to a spa and if cost her all of $400 since she was only paying for herself and me (and we got a locals discount), Her wedding I was only 21 and my boyfriend at the time was living in Korea (military) so I went alone but still ended up giving her $400. For mine she brought a date and neither of them even gave us a card. Her baby shower between food, decorations and a gift I spent over $800, for mine she bought a $460 airline ticket) I could go on but I don't want to sound like I am keeping a running tab although as you can see I am. The sad part of this is she is the older sister and makes alot of money. She always talks a big game about what she's going to do for me and never comes through. You would think by now I would be use to it but it still hurts not to be treated the same as I treat her. The only thing I'm grateful for is that when she comes home she will be bringing Reece with her. And I miss my little boogy so having him around will definitely make things better.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
It is what it is
Posted by Amy at 10:11 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Let the games begin
So I'm at home relaxing playing on the computer when suddenly it hits me like a ton of bricks. Sharp stabbing pains, strong enough to take my breath away. I do as I was originally told to do when I have cramps and I get a bottle of water to drink and lay in bed on my left side. 30 minutes goes by and the pain does not seem to be going away. So I call my mom who urges me to go to L&D. Realizing the pain I'm in there is no way I could drive the 20 minute drive to the hospital I'm registered for. Makes no sense to drive that far in that much pain when there is a hospital right across the street from me. So I call Patrick who I am unable to get a hold of (he was at work). Get in the car and hope that I can get across the busy intersection and get to the hospital as fast as possible. I pull up to the front and notice the main exit is close because it was after 7. So I drive around the building to emergency and find a parking spot right up front. Beautiful! I enter the hospital holding my belly and hunched over because it feels better standing that way with how sharp the cramps are. The security guard takes one look at me and asks me if I need a wheelchair. No time for that I say back, just point me in the direction of L&D. He walks with me to the elevator and pushes the button for the 3rd floor. Good luck young lady he says as the doors close. I arrive at my floor exit the elevator and walk the few steps to the nurses station. I give her a full summary of whats been going on. I'm having sharp cramps in my back and lower abdomen, I was having contractions Monday but my Dr put me on Procardia to stop them. My baby has a cord around his neck I am on blood thinners and I am in massive pain. Ok hunny she says back. Well we have no beds right now, so I'm going to need you to wait in the waiting room. HUH! Are you kidding me. No dear it shouldn't take to long. So I wobble up to the waiting room and take a seat. Patrick finally calls, I tell him whats going on and he hangs up to try to leave the office and head my way. My mom shows up and spots me in the waiting room and immediately freaks out so she goes in the back to yell at he nurse. I'm in tears when the man sitting next to me says. If you need anything just let me know. I'm one hell of a catcher. I want to laugh but the cramps are killing me. I try to smile back but end up looking evil. My mom returns and with a nurse and a wheel chair and they quickly take me back. I have no idea what my mom said to make them come get me but whatever it was it worked. They bring me back to a delivery room and get me hooked up to a monitor. The nurse doesn't even try to locate Gage's heartbeat she just sticks the sensor wherever and goes to attach the contraction monitor. Well it doesn't look like your having contractions. My mom turns to her and says well it doesn't look like to attached either of the sensors properly. The nurse excuses herself from the room and that was the last we saw of her. 10 minutes later the RN come in the room and re attaches the monitor's. As soon as she puts her hand on my tummy she confirms I am having contractions and they seem pretty strong. She stays with me for a good 10 minutes watching my contractions on the monitor while touching my tummy. Well hunny your contractions are about 2 minutes apart. We are going to have to give you something to stop them. Patrick arrives just in time to hold my hand. The Nurse exits and returns shortly with a shot of Terbutaline. Administers my first injection and stays with me to monitor if it's working or not. 15 minutes later .... nothing. Time for shot number #2 and a dose of Procardia. Within 10 minutes the contractions slow down drastically. And I can finally breath a sigh of relief. All the while Gage's heartbeat was not affected and he responded really well to my contractions. After another hour on the monitor they let me go home to rest. I called my Peri this morning and he told me no need to come in today he will just see me tomorrow. I love the health care system in Nevada. As for today I have been having contractions but they have been very mild and far apart. I go to the Peri tomorrow to monitor Gage and will hopefully get some answers. I can not spend the next few weeks bouncing back and forth between L&D.
Posted by Amy at 1:26 PM 7 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
What a mess
I went to the Peri's office to do my twice weekly monitoring and ultrasound to check on the cord. Gage still has it around his neck and from the looks of it he was trying to chew his way through it. Thankfully he has no teeth so that's not going to happen. I was put on the monitor at 9:45 a.m. and after 15 minutes of listening to his heartbeat the nurse came in to check the printout. Her actions made me nervous as she studied the paper. He must be asleep, hmmmm lets give you some juice and see if that wakes him up. She left the room and returned a few moments later with apple juice and a buzzer. First lets try to buzz him and see if he moves. She made three attempts and he didn't even flinch. Well I'm sure the juice will get him going. Drink it as fast as you can and I will be back shortly. She exited the room leaving me to think something must be wrong. 45 minutes went by and no one came to check on me. By this time I was a nervous wreck and in tears calling my mother begging her to come to the office and wait with me. Another 15 minutes later and with my mom on the road heading my way the nurse returned. She again studied the printout and excused herself. By this time I was sure something was not right. Another nurse returned and asked me how long I had been having contractions. I'm not having contractions I replied. I have been having period like cramps off and on for the past week but every time I came in and asked the Dr if that was contractions he told me no, it was just the babies big head on my pelvis. Well sure enough I was having contractions and they were pretty close together. They immediately took me into an exam room and did a fibronectin test and checked my cervix. I am officially 80% effaced and not dilated. To combat the contractions I was put on Procardia and then sent home to over analyze every cramp, twinge or lack of movement. The Procardia makes me feel like crap and I can still feel the cramps. But when the nurse called to give me the results of the fibronectin test and I informed her of that she just acted like I didn't know what I was talking about. On the up side the test came back negative. On the down side I now have no clue if I should worry or not. I let the nurse know that Gage was still not moving around and her answer to me was if his movements slow down any more to go L&D. I quickly said well whats slower then nothing??? And her answer was well you'll know. So great now I get to be worried and become a psychic? I mean I know my body but I can not guess whats going on. If only I had x-ray vision. My mom has spent the remainder of my day by my side taking care of me and making sure I was ok. She finally got to see first hand how big of a group or idiots I'm dealing with. So that's my update for now. The procardia is kicking my ass and I need to lay down but I will make sure to update when I have more news. For now lets hope that the fibronectin test was right and I am not going to g into labor in the next 2 weeks. But my luck it will be wrong and he will be here before I can blink.
Posted by Amy at 7:12 PM 6 comments
After a long weekend of nerves
So on Saturday night I went to L&D to talk to my OB. I had to wait over an hour to see him but after I told the nurse what was going on, she put me on the monitor so I could hear Gage's heartbeat and know he was ok. Dr G (my OB) showed up and had a baby to deliver but came in to reassure me he would be in as soon as possible to talk to me and find out what was going on. When he came into the room I quickly explained what I had been told by the Peri. Dr G had no idea and was pretty mad the that Peri didn't call him and talk to him about it. So together we listened to Gage's heartbeat and spent about 2 hours counting his movements. In those 2 hours we only recorded 3 movements. Then Dr G had the nurse bring me some juice and cookies to see if the sugar would get him going, but no such luck. We decided to take everything day by day. If I don't feel a movement and the time exceeds 3-4 hours at most I am to go to L&D immediately. After every appointment with the Peri I am to call and report back to Dr G on what the findings are. Dr G is also going to request copies of the ultrasound pic's so he can see the cord around Gage's neck, and check if it's wrapped more then one time. If so our plans will more then likely be to deliver in the very near future. I have to admit I feel a million times better after talking to Dr G. He has such great bedside manors and always knows how to make me feel better. Plus he talks to you like a friend and not just a Dr. I have total faith that Dr G will make sure we make it through this nightmare and walk away with a healthy little boy. Tomorrow I go in to the Peri's office for another ultrasound and to sit on the monitor for a half hour or so. I just pray that by some miracle Gage found a way on his own to get this cord off his neck. For now I'm going to try to get some sleep although I am sure it will end up being another sleepless night.
Posted by Amy at 12:12 AM 8 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Going to stalk my Dr at the hospital.
I called over to the hospital and found out my OB was on call tonight. So since he never called me back I am going to go up there and talk to him, and let him now what is going on. He will give me a better indication of what to do or how worried to be. He is a much better people person then the peri. Hopefully I will walk away feeling alittle relieved. I can't have another sleepless night worried that if I turn a certain way I am going to pull on the cord around Gage's neck. I know it's unlikely but I need my Dr to tell me everything is going to be ok.
Chele, I'm going to make sure that I can have a meeting set up between both Dr's as well. We all need to be on the same page and I need an emergency plan set up. Lets just hope and pray that Gage untangles himself in the mean time.
Lauren, I will be 33 weeks tomorrow. There has been no talk about moving the date up but that is because the Peri doesn't make the decisions only my OB does. I would hope the Peri called my OB on Friday to keep him informed. But he is such a jack ass there is a chance he didn't.
I will post an update as soon as I get back tonight and let you girls know what my OB says.
Posted by Amy at 6:36 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Worried about Gage
I went to the Peri today for an ultrasound. Gage looked wonderful with his cute chubby cheeks. His head measured in the 95th percentile and he was in fact head down. His estimated weight 5 lbs 2 oz. Now for the bad news ... Gage has his cord wrapped around his neck. The Dr tried to play it off like it was no big deal but I'm freaked out. Over the last week or so Gage's movement has drastically slowed down. I let the Dr know and he said that was common in the 3T. Everything I have read states the opposite. They put me on the monitor for a about 30 minutes to check Gage's heart and see if I was having contractions and everything looked great. I am just so worried that something is going to happen to him with his cord around his neck. I wish they would let me deliver him now, even though it's early at least I know he would be safer on the outside. I tried to call me OB after the appointment but he never called back. I go back to the peri Monday morning and will continue to see him twice a week until Gage is born. I just don't know how I'm going to get through the weekend this worried.
Posted by Amy at 9:00 PM 3 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Gage's website
I put together a little baby sites page for Gage so that I can post lots of pictures and updates on how he is doing. Feel free to check it out
Posted by Amy at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hormones of disaster
Yep that's right I have hormones of disaster. Yesterday I was depressed because of everything that is going on, I spent the most part of my day in bed crying and sulking. I don't know where this overwhelming feeling of depression has come from but hopefully it won't stick around to long. Then last night I was combative. I got online to facebook just to find something to do, and found myself getting into a fight with my cousin's husband over him poking fun at my sister. I have to tell you I am not to crazy about my cousins husband, he is kind of a douche bag. And I think I was looking for a reason or an opportunity to get into a fight with him. As soon as that moment presented itself I jumped on him like a lunatic. I have to admit it was pretty fun to put him in his place. As soon as that moment passed I was back to being depressed. Today I am all over the place, for the first time in a long time I had to pull myself out of bed and force myself to get my day going.
Molly has been super clingy and getting on my last nerve. I know she means well but if I could have a minute to pee in privacy without her either crying by the door to get in or trying to sit on my lap I would really appreciate it. Patrick keeps calling to check on me and that is really starting to bug me. I just don't know what my deal is today. I think I need a break from everything right now, if only I had the time to take a vacation!
Posted by Amy at 11:47 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
32 Week Dr appointment ...
and still no induction date. I'm super bummed. Gage is doing great. He had a nice strong heartbeat and all is well. I on the other hand am measuring in at 37 weeks. Holy crap! I guess that explains why I am so uncomfortable. So the plan is, starting Friday I go to the peri twice a week for a fetal assessment. To check the placenta and just check on Gage in general to make sure that the blood thinners and thyroid meds don't make him go into fetal distress. I am just so stressed that something is going to go wrong. My injections scare the crap out of me in fear that I'm going to go into labor on my own and they take 24 hours to get out of my system. I'm getting super freaked out about labor & delivery. And in addition I have nothing ready for the baby. We are still planning on moving in 2 weeks. I haven't found a house, I haven't picked up the baby furniture and obviously have not gotten his room together. My sister is procrastinating with my baby shower trying to plan it around what mood she's in. I am just an all out mess right now, I could just cry! I already know these next few weeks are going to be hell. Hopefully something will work out in my favor.
Posted by Amy at 11:05 AM 5 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
House hunting stinks!
When I'm looking at houses for my clients I am alittle more open minded, but with us looking for a home we like I am being super picky. Every house we have looked at needs work. And I just don't have the time to buy a project house. Nothing is move in ready and the homes that are, sell almost overnight. I think I am at the point of apartment hunting. As much as I want our own home I'm just running out of time. Stress is taking over and I just can't be this stressed this far along in my pregnancy. Besides that it has been about 112 degrees the past few days and being about 8 months pregnant in that kind of heat is draining, and not healthy. So I plan on continuing my day looking at rental homes online and checking out a few apartments over the net as well. I officially give up!
Posted by Amy at 12:52 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Mosquito's everywhere!

Posted by Amy at 1:30 PM 4 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Better then I expected
The judge was female and was very sympathetic to my situation. She heard me out and after hearing about how the attorney's office had someone break in back into the house back in March and change the locks on me she wanted to hear nothing from the banks attorney. It was a great victory for me. The attorney on behalf of the bank asked I be evicted effective immediately and the judge refused. Granting me the 30 days I need to either find another home or work out a deal with the bank to buy this house. She even advised the attorney to have there client call me to try to work out a purchase option. I am very surprised with the outcome but very happy. I was so nervous going in front of all of the people waiting to have there case be heard. I am super bad at public speaking but the judge made me feel very comfortable and in the end it worked out way better then I expected.
Posted by Amy at 7:50 PM 6 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Court Tomorrow
Yep that is right I have court tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. to see if the judge will grant me a 30 day extension. It's me vs the bank, hopefully I will get lucky but right now I am not feeling to great about this entire situation. Ideally I want to buy this house but the bank and there attorney refuse to acknowledge me. They are trying to avoid a cash for keys situation But I don't want cash I just want the house. No matter how many times I try to explain that they just are not hearing me. So tonight I have prepared a ton of paperwork to bring with me to court as well as a purchase agreement and a check for the earnest deposit. Hopefully if I walk in and wave money in there face they will take me seriously. Doubtful, but a girl can dream right. If I walk away a loser tomorrow I should be granted at least 10 days to vacate. That leaves me with 10 days to find a rental or try to buy something and close fast. I could pull off the closing fast since the bank doing my loan is a direct lender and a good friend of mine. She has guaranteed me loan docs in 24 hours if I find something I like and have an acceptance in hand. Anyway fingers crossed that when I wobble into court tomorrow the judge takes pity on my and is at least fair with his decision.
Posted by Amy at 10:11 PM 2 comments