Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My husband stabbed me!

Ok well not like with a knife or anything but last night when it came time to take my injection I chickened out. If I had to give someone else a shot I would be ok, but the thought of inflicting pain on myself ... I just couldn't do it! So like the trooper he is Patrick stepped up to the plate and offered to do it for me. I turned my head and he counted to three and then he stabbed me, Hard! Now I know he had to stick me with the needle to get he job done but good god was it really necessary to take out all of his frustration on my poor thigh (that is my injection sight). He quickly counted to 10 and pulled the needle out and we laughed because of the indent it left on my leg from him pushing it in so hard. Ughhhhhh 7 more nights of this hopefully tonight he will not try to inflict pain on me.