Monday, July 28, 2008

1 DPO and time is already going by way to slow ... this is going to be a long 2ww

So I am 1 DPO, I feel like it's been a week already. Ahhh the next two weeks are going to creep by. I got a call from my RE's office today that my TSH is not improving as much as they would like it to. I want from a 10.3 to an 8.55 just my luck that I filled my prescription on Saturday and now she is calling me in a new dose. What a waist of money that was! Other that all that headache I have had some dull achy cramps on and off all day today. I know I am only 1DPO so more then likely it is nothing. But it is always nice to dream, right? So for now we wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and well you get the picture...

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