Monday, April 13, 2009

Something to live for

My grandmother has recently fallen ill. What started off as a case of the shingles on her back and tummy has tuned into much more. When she went to the Dr he decided to do an ex-ray. His findings ... A mass on my grandmothers lungs. For the past few days she has had to undergo more testing and discomfort then any 85 year old should ever have to go through. The stress of all of the tests has made it impossible for her shingles to go away. And that is only adding to her discomfort. Yesterday when I spoke to her on the phone I could tell that everything going on was depressing her. And just hearing her in pain broke my heart. At one point during our conversation she said " If I don't get to see the baby I just want you to know that I love him very much." Just hearing her talk like that kills me. I immediately responded with "Grandma your 85 years old and have always been in perfect health I'm sure you will be around when he's born." My grandmother quickly responded well it's something for me to look forward to and live for. When we hung up the phone all I could do was cry. She is the only grandparent I have left. She's 85 and spunky, hasn't been sick with more the a cold in years, and has never had any health issues. Listening to her sound like she has given up without even knowing if she has cancer or not is one of the worst feeling in the world.

Me and Grandma Bea at my wedding September 15, 2006


Lauren said...

I'm so sorry Amy.

Anonymous said...


Lynn Page said...

I'm sorry Amy! I know how hard that can be! Your grandma is in my thoughts and prayers!!!!! ((hugs)) Please KUP on how she is doing!!!

Chele said...

Big Hug!

Amber said...

I am sorry to hear this news! You and your grandma are in my prayers. You take care of that lil' guy and make sure she takes care of herself, as well.
