Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy 2009

I am so sorry for being MIA yet again. Some of my family from NY came in to celebrate the New Years and left me with no time to myself. I hope you all had a wonderful New Years. This year with all of the family in town was an absolute blast. Even though I refused to drink ... just in case (better safe then sorry). But it was fun spending time with everyone and just enjoying the company. All is back to normal now and I am just trying to get back into the swing of work.

As for the fertility front today is CD 25, 10 DPIUI my RE does not have me scheduled to come in for a beta until Monday aka CD 32, 17 DPIUI since she's out of town. I am sure I will end up testing way before that probably around Thursday or Friday. As for IPS, I have been having alittle of everything. My boobs are hurting (could be caused by the progesterone) , I'm exhausted (could be from running around Vegas like a chicken with my head cut off), I have been having the most odd dreams (could be caused by the exhaustion. I will write all about my odd dreams in another post.), I have been very crampy on both sides on and off, I'm bloated (possible AF sign), I have been peeing at least once an hour and waking up to pee, and the most odd thing I have been doing. I have been having such bad hot flashes at night that I won't let Patrick turn the heat on and I sleep with the fan pointed right at me. My poor husband, you can hear his teeth chattering under his 3 layers of blankets. He has been using Molly as a heating pad and yet I still wake up sweaty. Yuck! So either I'm loosing my mind, AF Is teasing me or my hope is that these IPS's will turn into RPS.


Chele said...

I was like that when I had Clomid Hot Flashes. UGH! Rick moved out of the bedroom that week. lol

++++ vibes that these are sticky baby pg symptoms. Got everything crossed for you!

Amber said...

Thanks for the post! I have been waiting to hear how you think things went this month. All the signs sound good. I know that some of it could be due to progesterone, but it could also be all the right signs (which I am praying for)! I have a friend that has been trying for 2 years with 3 m/c and is now in early pregnancy with twins. So you just never know! It will happen - I just know it!!! You are in my prayers!