Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The flu is kicking me A$$

Yep that's right I have the flu. It started Thursday morning as a little cough and has since turned into this monster of a virus that has literally kicked my ass. I have been running a fever off and on since Saturday when my wonderful RE prescribed me a Z pack that was supposed to be my miracle cure. And that seemed to make it worse. Since Saturday night I have had a high temp maxing out at 101.8 and this morning I started the day with a 99.6 at least it's getting better. With all of the blood thinners and other crap I'm taking Tylenol is a no no so other then the non working Z pack I'm S.O.L (Sh%# Out of Luck). In addition to that, food and I have not been agreeing. And so all I have eaten since Thursday night is chicken and beef broth. Mmmm Yummy! My husband says when I cough it sounds like I'm going to cough up an organ and the sad thing is that's what it feels like as well. Sleeping has been horrible when I lay on my back I feel like I am drowning and then I lay on my tummy I'm scared I'm going to hurt the bean. Plus my new thing (and why I'm sharing this I have no clue) when I cough .... I pee alittle. Nasty I know! So now I wear a pad to sleep in fear I might have an adult sized accident. Lovely!

On a bright note my first ultrasound is on Monday Feb 2nd. I am eager to see what is going on in there. Fingers crossed that there is at least one heartbeat going strong in there.


Chele said...

Oh No! You are the third person I know that has come down with some type of Flu in the last two weeks. I hope you recover quickly and all your organs remain in place.

I just put a star on my calendar to remind me that it's your U/S. Keeping pp and pt flowing your way.

Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for your u/s! Boo to your illness! I hope you feel better soon hun!

To A T said...

Sorry you are under the weather! :( no bueno!!
Can't wait to hear how your u/s goes on Monday!

Lynn Page said...

awww sweetie I hope you're feeling better soon!!! ((Hugs)) but yay on the u/s coming up soon!

Amber said...

I hope you are feeling better soon! But I have to say that I am really excited for your first ultrasound. I was wondering when you were going. I wish you the best of luck - it's a new year and you need a fresh start!!!
