Monday, October 6, 2008

RE Says go for it .... Yeah!

I had my follow up appointment with my RE today and it went really well. Everything from my miscarriage is out. And I have in fact had a period since the D&C. My uterine lining is building back up and I have two good eggs this month. One on my left side measuring in at 22.4 and one on my right side measuring at a 22 so I was told if I wanted to I have the green light to try the old fashion way and see if we get lucky on our own. The funny thing is I thought I ovulated yesterday but I guess I was wrong. Patrick thinks we should still wait it out until the next cycle but I think when he gets home tonight I'm going to jump his bones! I know he is still sick and all but I'm a woman on a mission.

I had a really great 30 minute conversation with Dr L (my RE) and we talked about how we want to proceed for the next IUI cycle. We talked about upping my meds and she agreed that it is a numbers game. So we are going to try for more eggs. I told her I am ok with multiples in fact I welcome it, as I never want to go through this ever again! So with that in mind I am now mentally prepared for AF to show. Unless by some miracle I end up catching one or both of the eggs this month. I like having a plan. It gives me something to look forward to. I have been in and out of this depression lately and I feel that a big reason why I feel this way is because I have nothing to look forward to. While Dr L and I were talking about the next cycle I couldn't help my eyes from tearing up. At one point I was singing don't worry be happy in my head just to stop myself from crying. I am tired of feeling like a mess, and I'm ready for happier days.


Anonymous said...

I hope you catch an eggie (or eggies!) this month!!! Good luck hun!

Chele said...

Great update Amy! ++++ vibes that you catch the eggie and don't have to do the IUI next cycle. Good luck!