Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just do me!!!!!!!!!!

So I'm laying in bed last night watching TV when I feel cramps on my left side. Having felt ovulation cramps before I knew what was happening. Patrick was already fast asleep and I knew I had to make a move fast or miss out on this month completely. So I rolled over towards him snuggled into his chest and said .... do me! I know not subtle at all but as I have said before I am a woman on a mission. Patrick opened his eyes and said to me ..... Are you f*%$ kidding me! Not the reaction I was hoping for. I again said come on Patrick just do me and jokingly jumped on him. I guess I must of caught him off guard because he was hysterical laughing at me. When he caught his breath he asked me one last time to wait it out till next month. I looked him square in the face and said No, I can't do that being as honest as possible. I explained that at this point I need something to look forward to and at this point I have nothing. I think he realized that I was getting desperate so he appeased me and did as I asked. Afterwards I started feeling cramps on my right side so I am almost 100% sure that I atleast ovulated from one of my ovaries if not both. If I catch the egg(s) great if not I'm ok with that as well. I just need to trick my mind into a false sense of hope.


Chele said...

LMAO at some of the visuals I had in my head. On a more serious note I don't think it's a false sense of anything. It's very hard not to be proactive and know you have done absolutely everything you possibly can to get that BFP and/or baby. It helps when things go south to look back and say I did everything possible. Hugs, I'm so hoping you get that BFP! I know of several ladies that conceived again right after a loss.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Haha... Congrats on getting "did"!