Monday, June 16, 2008

Getting you up to speed

Well let me start with my fertility friends chart I update this daily with whatever madness/fertility signs I have currently going on. It is the best way to keep track of me any my cycle.

Last Thursday Patrick had his SA and the results were as follows:
Over 100 million swimmers, 80% motility with great progression. Other then blood work his part of this madness is pretty much over.

As for me with the arrival of AF on Sunday my madness has just begun. Whoever said TTC was fun or easy is a big fat liar! I start my testing with tons of blood work on Tuesday (Day 3 of my cycle) Wednesday (cycle day 4) I am scheduled for a physical exam & gyn ultrasound. I am not thrilled about this, as I will still be on AF and having someone down there checking on my privates sounds NASTY! And then the final part comes on Saturday (cycle day 7) I have a sonohysterogram (where they insert fluid through a catheter and do an ultrasound to check for lesions in the uterine cavity). Thankfully I have already had a Hysterosalpingogram so I do not have to go through that mess again. Yippy!

From there I meet with the RE to discuss the next course of action. We have already decided to go ahead with and IUI and injectables. Luckily for us our new insurance covers 6 IUI's yeah for our new insurance.

With my game plan in place I am looking forward to cycle #25 I wish it could get here a little sooner. And trust me if I can think of any way to speed it up I will =)