Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What a day!

Ok so here is how my day went yesterday I woke up, did some work and laid back down in bed to take a nap around 2. Woke up 30 minutes later decided to wash this little blanket Molly and I lay on, did some more work, got into a fight with my RE's office (I will tell you that on in a moment) and then made hamburgers for dinner. After the day was over Patrick lets Molly out to go to the bathroom and we head up to sleep. Now mind you I was talking to him and looking right at him when he was by the back door letting her go potty. But I proceed to ask did you take Molly out before you came up to bed??? He responds Amy are you loosing your mind you were standing there with me when I took her out. Can I tell you that I still don't recall standing there when he was taking her out. I look at the bed and see the blanket that I had put in the washing machine still on my bed and it hits me, "Didn't I put that in the washing machine earlier???". I go into the laundry room and check the machine and I find the remote control to our cable box at the bottom completely watered down. What the heck is going on with me I think I've lost my mind!

So here is the topper of my day. My RE's office calls me to confirm my appointment for Tuesday (something they have NEVER done) and the girl that called me was new. The conversation starts off fine I'm calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow blah blah blah, don't wear any perfume or scented lotion tomorrow as we have embryos in the office (ok this is no new rule I have been a patient of Dr L's office for quite some time and I already know not to do these things) then this girl takes the nastiest tone possible with me and tells me your copay for tomorrow is $78 for a double ultrasound to which I respond why is that I am not having twins anymore. She has nothing to say back but then proceeds to tell me you also have a past due bill of four hundred sixty dollars. Why is that I ask, I paid off my bill last time. She snaps back listen ma'am I am just doing my job and letting you know you will not be released until you pay off your bill. That's when I flipped out and hung up. I was so aggravated I called Patrick and told him I was done and that I refuse to ever go back to that office again. The staff at my RE's office changes constantly each one worse then the next. Out of a staff of 9 (including my RE) I can only stand to deal with 2 and neither of those 2 are my RE. Seeing the baby should be an exciting thing but my RE makes it hard to enjoy the moment. So at 10 p.m. last night I called the answering service and cancelled my appointment. And it felt good! I called today and made an appointment with my OBGYN who said he will handle getting me released and not to worry about it. So that's what I am going to do. It sucks not seeing the bean today but I know in the long run I'm doing whats right for me.!


Chele said...

LMAO! "Pregnancy Brain" has struck. It will get better and then it will get worse again. lol!

Good for you taking control and standing up for yourself. If the RE's office sends you a bill, I would call their office and ask for an itemized bill so you know exactly why you supposedly owe them more money. If insurance has paid any portion of your visits compare the charges to the EOB. Sometimes doctor and dental offices do not make the mandatory adjustment to the patient's bill required by their contract with the insurance company.

Anonymous said...

*high five*

You're already in protective Mama mode! LOL! You aren't taking any cr*p when it comes to your pregnancy. Good for you! I love it when women lay the smack down.

Lynn Page said...

lol Amy you crack me up... did the remote still work?? lol

As for taking a stand with your RE- you go! i'm proud of you! When is yoru appt with your ob?

Amber said...

First off, thanks for your support and kind words. We are praying that he stays in there for 4 more weeks - mommy said he cannot come out! He needs to start listening now! :)

Welcome to pregnancy! I have done some really dumb stuff. Some of these things at work, when the kidos and other nurses are looking at me like I have lost it --- indeed I had. It gets worse, so just beware! Maybe you need to lock all your valuables up so you don't put anything else in the washer!!! :) Good luck!!!