Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wrapping up the 1T with another virus

That makes TWO times since I got my BFP that I caught the flu. But this time I had to one up myself. Last Friday (March 6th) I not only came down with the flu but I also caught a nasty case of strep as well as an ear infection in both of my ears. Things got so bad that at 2 a.m. on Tuesday morning I ended up dragging myself into the ER with a ridiculous fever and in massive pain from my ear infections. It was bad! Even now both my ears are still clogged. And I have a caught from hell but it's getting better slowly "VERY SLOWLY". I wasn't there long as the amazingly handsome ER Dr. wanted to get me out of there as fast as possible to avoid me catching anything else. It was the best treatment I have ever received in the ER. Not that I am a frequent visitor but in the 2 or 3 times in my life that I have ever had to go it was definitely one of the fastest. Armed with a prescription for Amoxicillin, Tylenol 3 and zofran, I headed home to bed. And that is where I have remained for the past few days. Only getting up to go to the bathroom, shower, occasionally throw up and spend 5 minutes checking my e-mail's until Patrick yells at me to get back in bed. It has been a rough week! I'm sorry to those that thought I was abandoning them, I'm still here and hopefully some time soon I will be fully back to normal.

On a scary note the very next day Patrick and I were watching the news about a shooting at the very same hospital I was at. Here is a link to the news story for anyone interested I am so grateful and glad that I was not there when this shooting went down. I think this would have given me a heart attack. Even just watching the story on the news freaked me out.

Well girls I better get back in bed. I really need to be back to normal by Monday if that's at all possible.


Chele said...

UGH! Amy! You poor thing, I hope you recover quickly and this is the last of the viruses for you. I'm glad you weren't in that ER when that shooting went down too.

Hang in there!

Amber said...

I was wondering why you were MIA! I'm sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well - at all. It really stinks when you are preggo and sick, since you can't take much. I hope you get to feeling better and do not have to go through all of this again! Get better ... :)

Marshmallow Circus said...

Oh goodness, I'm so sorry you are sick again. We've been through lots of germs to and I know it is no fun when you are preggo.

Get well soon, I'm so glad you wern
t ther during the scary.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon!

To A T said...

Ugh! Sorry you are feeling so sick! I HATE the flu! I had a 24 hour bug last Monday and let me tell you, I didn't even want to move a muscle because everytime I did, I ralphed :( I hope you are on the mend soon!!