Tuesday, September 23, 2008

When life hands you lemons ...

I'm finally starting to feel like myself. Although I am still very sad over the loss of my little bean, I know that life must go on. Allowing myself to remain in this funk will only make matters worse. I have decided to pick myself up brush myself off and regain my strength and sanity for what I hope will be my next successful IUI. I have scheduled a follow up appointment with my RE for next Thursday so we can talk plans and options and make sure that there are no remnants from the D&C. At that time I hope to get the all clear and a prescription for my next round of follistim. I want to be fully ready for when AF comes. Hopefully AF does not take a long vacation holding up my plans as I am ready to get this show on the road, as is Patrick.

Patrick has been truly amazing through out all of this from TTC, to pregnancy, to miscarriage. I knew I married a great man I just never knew just how lucky I was until this week. Thankfully he is behind me 100% on trying again as soon as possible. In fact it was his idea that we don't wait and keep trying. It is definitely a great feeling knowing he and I share this goal of trying to have a baby.

I plan on starting October off in the right foot! No feeling bad for myself and no stress!!!! Although that is easier said then done I know that "a failure to plan is a plan for failure" and I refuse to fail again. With that in mind I am going to make sure that my RE checks my thyroid levels again. I just want to make sure that everything is regulated and on track. I have decided to stay on my prenatal vitamins as it could only help in the end. When all is said and done I want to know in my heart that I have done everything possible to make my next pregnancy stick. I don't want to have any regrets or doubts. And although I know that the next time (if there is a next time) that I see a BFP I will be nervous at least until I make it through the 1st trimester.I will know in my heart that I have done everything in my power.

It feels great having a plan.... Now if only the real AF would get here so I can get this show on the road!


Anonymous said...

Hugs Amy , BIG HUGS ! I so happy to see you doing better . YOur showing such amazing strength through all this !