Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thank you

I just wanted to say a little thank you for all of you that have been supporting me on my blog. It really helped to come home today to all of your kind words. I really did not know how I was going to feel after the D&C and for the most part all I have been doing is sleeping and crying. But Patrick saw all of your comments pop up in my e-mail and thought it was important for me to see how many people I have who cared enough to leave a comment and let me know they were there for us. For that I am forever grateful! Thank you ladies you have all lifted my spirits. If Anyone needs anything from me even just someone to talk to or vent to, please know that I am here for you all as well. And you can all feel free to e-mail me at any time with anything. ( Thank you again ladies for being there for me on this rough emotional day.

Hugs & Love


Chele said...

Hugs! You will get through this.