Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ultrasound #3 =(

Ultrasound #3 was a complete failure as am I. The baby is slowly shrinking and measures between 6 weeks 1 day and 6 weeks 3 days. (Pictures attached) The sac is also starting to change shape and deteriorate. Poor little bean heart is still slowly ticking away but again is not measurable. And my RE thinks it is time to explore options. So I decided to pull the plug and we scheduled the D&C for tomorrow morning. My RE firmly believes that the fact that the bean is not growing and is slowly deteriorating means it is just a matter of days before the heart stops and nature takes it's course. But a D&C will still be necessary plus she wants to test it and check for genetic abnormality's. So with that being said she had me stop my progesterone yesterday and I woke up this morning to a very light AF borderline spotting. So that just goes to show me that the only thing keeping this baby going is the progesterone. This is the hardest decision I believe I have ever had to make but I know it is for the best. I have done allot of crying and soul searching since yesterday and I still know deep down that I want to and am going to be a mother one day. Patrick and I have decided to that we are going to go for IUI #2 as soon as we are given the all clear. Dr L (my RE) said I have to wait until after I get my first AF post D&C to start back and try again and that is what we fully intend on doing.




ekusmma said...

I'm sorry honey. I've been corresponding with you on ivillage. I will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry Amy. I had my follow up u/s today with the same news. Although, our little bean's heart had already stopped. We are in the process of scheduling our D&C and will continue on our fertility journey as soon as we can. My prayers are with you. We will be mothers some day.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. :(

Chele said...


You know how sorry I am for your loss. YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE! Why these things happen, I'll never understand, but when they do we just have to cope and get through them as best as we can. Allow yourself to grieve and take each day as it comes. You know I will be keeping ++++ thoughts and prayers that your next IUI gets you your sticky baby. Big Hug.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss!! I was really praying for you!!! I am sure that there are big things still to come for you! Hold your head up because now you have an angel watching over you and with that things can only get better from here! I will continue to pray for you!!