Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Due date change and update on Gage

I had an appointment with my high risk OB today to check on Gage and everything went really well. Gage now weighs a full pound and from his measurements the Dr moved my due date up to the 13th of September. They did an echo cardiogram on his heart and said everything looks wonderful. He had a nice strong heartbeat of 158 bpm. As always Gage was all over the place making it hard for the ultrasound tech and Dr to get a good look at him. At one point the ultrasound tech pushed on him trying to get him to turn around and he pushed back like he had a real bad attitude. My Peri dropped a bomb on me that he was moving in the next month to Texas so he was no longer going to be my Dr. I was alittle sad as he and I have been in agreement as far as my treatment and plans for delivery. He did agree to call my primary OB and go over our plan (I guess we will see how well that works out). We did go over the risks and possible complication during labor and I have to admit I am alittle freaked out. I was totally unaware that it takes 24 hours for the fragmin to leave your system and if I happen to go into labor while it is still in my system or god forbid I need a c-section an epidural will not work. We also went over the risk of hemorrhaging during labor and that alone scares the daylights out of me. Although not high I still have a 3 % risk. As if having insomnia for over a week now wasn't bad enough I now have all of this information going through my head.


Lauren said...

Hahaha, I can't believe Gage pushed back with attitude! That's hilarious.

That really sucks that your doctor is leaving. Doesn't he know he has to finish out your pregnancy with you?!? Geesh.

Marshmallow Circus said...

A baby with an attitude already? he he

Sucks about the doctor and I am praying for you a SUPER easy labor and delivery.

Chele said...

Sounds like Gage will be a normal BOY. lol

So sorry to hear your Peri is moving! Is there anyone he can refer you to? Stay +++ and try not dwell on the bad what could happen.

To A T said...

Glad to hear your appt went well and YAY for an earlier DD!! :)

Sorry to hear about your doc leaving :( Hopefully your OB will be on the same page

Lucky Jones said...

Uh oh Gage is already showing the 'tude! watch out for that little one!! And I nominated you for an award - go to my blog to check it out ;)