Saturday, May 30, 2009


So much has been changing in these past few weeks it's getting alittle overwhelming for me.

First with my Peri moving and me having to switch to another Dr in the practice.

Second was my due date change. Although it was only moved up 5 days I am starting to feel overwhelmed. Especially since my primary OB confirmed the 3 week early induction when I saw him on Tuesday. I feel like time is just ticking away. I have so much to do and not enough time.

Third is my sister moving to Tennessee with my nephew. I have not spoken about this at all because I haven't wanted to confront the fact that she's leaving me and moving super far away. I guess I have no choice but to face the facts since the movers came yesterday and she started driving today. My nephew is going to stay with my parents for 2 weeks while she waits for the furniture to be delivered and gets situated. Not getting to see him all the time is going to kill me. But for the next 2 weeks I'm going to pick him up every day from day care and suck up as much quality time as possible. We might even skip a day of daycare and have a fun play day.

Fourth change is the house hunt. We have some offers out and if all goes as planned we could be out of this house before the end of June. I'm super excited about moving into our own home but I hate moving and I know it is going to be miserable being pregnant and over 100 degrees outside.

Fifth is we are looking for a new car. Benny (my car) is not big enough for a family, and although that car is my baby I know it's time for a change. Having a sporty car was fun pre kids but I know it will never work once Gage is here.

And finally just the change of having a family is starting to freak me out. What if I'm not a good mom. I know I'm a good mom to Molly but she is a dog and lets be honest I can't do to much damage to her. But a baby on the other hand, so many things can go wrong. I was not the best of kids especially when I hit my teenage years. What if my kid is worse then I was. Oh gosh I would be in for massive trouble.


Lauren said...

I think everybody who's pregnant ends up having those feelings of "oh crap, have we totally thought this through?" Having a baby is a huge change, so that's natural. You will be fantastic mom!

Amber said...

You are going thru the same emotions that I, and probably every other pregnant woman, goes thru. Don't question yourself - although I did the same. I question myself if I am a good mother everyday, but I know that I do the best I can and give it my all. You went through a lot to get to this point, so try and enjoy it! What if you never got this experience again? To be completely honest, Evan has days when I question if I made the right decision. Just wait until you start realizing that EVERYTHING you do - every small, minute thing - will mold them into the person they are. So you will question if you are doing the right thing all the time! Just know it is normal and everything will be fine. If you do the best you can, what more can you do, right?

Emmalie said...

In a few months, you'll try to remember what life was like without a baby and you won't be able to imagine what you did without a child. Things fit into place everytime. Take one day a time and try not to get caught up in 'what ifs' and the daily grind.