Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Feed me ...

All of a sudden over the past two days I have been eating like a pig. Not that I'm eating bad but Patrick was laughing at me today because every time he turned around I was in the fridge pulling something out. I know I'm eating more then my normal, since before I was pregnant I was lucky if I ate one meal a day. I'm trying to take care of the beans but Patrick makes me feel like I'm overdoing it. Here is what I ate today: an orange, afew crackers, apple sauce (the small lunch snack cups), 2 pickles and pasta for dinner. Does that seem like to much to anyone else??? I know he thinks he's joking around but he's making me very self conscious.


Chele said...

No, actually it doesn't sound like enough. Grazing or eating 4-6 snack like meals is supposed to be the healthinest way to eat in early pg and help keep the m/s to a minimum. Make sure you get anough protein (60 grams) even if half of it comes from a protein smoothie. Glad to hear your hungry and doing well. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

To make you feel better, here is what I ate yesterday:

1 piece of cake
1 english muffin with butter
Mac n cheese with hotdogs
Rice Krispies
1 fudgsicle
some grapes
Lasagna with 2 pieces of bread and butter

(not in that order) Feel better? I thought you might. I was like this with the others- if I stop eating, I start throwing up. Now keep in mind, I'm not by any means a big person. I'm only 5 ft. 105 lbs- so this is really a lot of food. Yes, I know, I need to eat healthier- but right now I can only eat what tastes good. I hope my confessions make you feel 100 times better about what you ate yesterday!

Lynn Page said...

Amy I'm with Chele, it's not enough for you and 2 beans..lol All that you ate for teh day is what I eat at ONE meal lol lol lol If he thinks you eat a lot he should come see me, I eat 6 meals a day...and I'm not carrying twins! heck I'm not even carrying one...lol You go eat girlie!

To A T said...

I'm also with Chele and Lynn. You ate less than I do at ONE meal, let alone all day LOL :)
I wouldn't let DH make you feel bad for eating more than normal... you are eating growing 2 humans! What did he do today? LOL

Amy said...

Thank you girls you make me feel much better. I was starting to feel like a hungry hippo. I know I'm eating way way more then my normal but I am trying to be good about what I put into my mouth. Usually I am so go go go from work I am lucky if I see one good meal a day. I have to admit slowing down on my work schedule and being at home more has increased my appetite. If I could I think I would eat myself into a coma. But at least I'm craving all healthy things like fruits and veggies. Although last night after Patrick made that comment to me had there been ice cream in the house, that would have been the first thing I would have grabbed to wallow in my self pity. MmMmMmMm ice cream that sounds good. I think I am going to have to hit the grocery store and stock up on some ice cream and healthy snacks to get me through until my Monday ultrasound.

Ps- Emmalie you have cake and your not sharing with me??? How rude! =)